Tuesday, October 11, 2011

{Before baby girl arrives}

so i have been trying to get some projects done for my etsy site before our sweet little girl arrives. i was also asked to make some items for a holiday boutique for a dear friend of mine! i thought i would post some pictures of a few more things i've been working on for you all to see. Let me know what you think. I also made these fabulous hair flowers for a sweet girls wedding! if you haven't checked out my etsy site here's the link...  http://www.sweetandsnazzy.etsy.com/    enjoy!

0-3 months newboys hat...comes in other sizes

i love baby boots...just made a pair for baby girl

0-3 months newsboy hat with flower for baby girl!

there are so many options for this hat...i've made it in all kinds of colors.

Satin rose hair piece

chunky ear warmer/headband with giant rose in black and grey

Same headband in linen and navy blue.

{Why all the crocheting...}

i can remember back when i was younger spending a lot of time with my dear sweet grandma. she was and still is a very special and very important person that the lord has given to me. in that time growing up i can remember doing all sorts of things with her. spaghetti dinners every tuesday, garage sales anytime, doll shopping all the time, ceramic painting some of the time, playing yahtzee a must, but when it came to my grandma's hobby of crocheting, I was NOT interested. funny now, considering that i can't seem to get the crochet hook out of my hands. my grandma came out for a visit not so long ago and while spending some time with her she taught me how to crochet. this time i was interested. she just taught me the basics, but that's all i needed, and now, well the rest is history. thanks grandma for the lessons, i love you.