Sunday, November 14, 2010

{Something New}

I'm stepping out on a limb...I found some great patterns for some women's hats and i thought I would give it try! Don't get me wrong, I love making baby and kid hats and all that fun stuff but i wanted to see if an adult hat could turn out just as's what i made...and actually i took one of the adult patterns and turned it into a kids hat as well...still working out the pattern but peyton's turned out really well! enjoy...

threw this one in because, well it's cute...a new visor hat

Monday, November 1, 2010

{...on to the fair}

today i sent out an entire box of my projects to be sold at a craft fair by my dear sweet friend. in my last post i had shown some of the items that went into that box. below are a few more that i thought were worth mentioning!

these are actually not for the fair...dear little Benjamin...
i hope these fit your sweet little feet!

{Why all the crocheting...}

i can remember back when i was younger spending a lot of time with my dear sweet grandma. she was and still is a very special and very important person that the lord has given to me. in that time growing up i can remember doing all sorts of things with her. spaghetti dinners every tuesday, garage sales anytime, doll shopping all the time, ceramic painting some of the time, playing yahtzee a must, but when it came to my grandma's hobby of crocheting, I was NOT interested. funny now, considering that i can't seem to get the crochet hook out of my hands. my grandma came out for a visit not so long ago and while spending some time with her she taught me how to crochet. this time i was interested. she just taught me the basics, but that's all i needed, and now, well the rest is history. thanks grandma for the lessons, i love you.